For details of the Rochdale LOCAL OFFER for Special Educational Needs and Disability, please click on the link:

Our school SENCo is Mr T Helm who can be contacted by telephoning school on 01706 369339, by emailing  or by post at our school address. 


SIAMS 2019 judged our school to be 'Excellent' and stated:

'The school is highly effective at meeting the needs of all its pupils. All aspire to reach their full potential. Pupils consistently perform above the national average in statutory assessments. The strong Christian ethos ensures exceptional support for children with their learning and well-being. Pastoral support for the whole school community is second to none. Staff morale is high. They speak with gratitude of the ‘open door’ policy of the headteacher, and of how leaders and colleagues sustain them in times of need. Pupils have no hesitation in seeking support from adults in school. They feel safe, listened to and cared for. One pupil spoke of the unwavering love and support of the school during a time of bereavement. Parents are overwhelmingly complimentary about the school. One spoke of the impact of the Christian vision on a looked after child in her care. The compassion shown to the pupil from staff and parents/carers had a tangible impact on the child’s emotional wellbeing and flourishing.'

Parent Questionnaire 2021: 'If someone asked me about St Michael's I would tell them...'

St Michaels runs on tradition and high expectation. The staff are warm and friendly and have the children's best interests at heart. They are inclusive of need and over the years have clearly adapted to meet the needs of their children .

St Michaels is a small Christian led primary school that tries to cater for every child's needs.

A great school who always puts the children's best interests at heart. Parents are greatly valued. A school where opportunities are limitless.

The school and staff are excellent and encourage children of all backgrounds, learning capabilities and needs. Some parents could do to remember that not all children are the same and encourage their children to embrace these differences and help children rather than ostracise and complain.

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