
At St. Michael's the Governing Board is the Admissions Authority for the school. The Admissions Policy is reviewed annually and, following consultation on any changes, is published on this site and is available from the school office. We offer open days for parents of prospective Reception and Nursery Children in November and January each year. This is a chance for you to see our school 'up and running' and details of the dates are available from late October by telephoning the office. Should you find it difficult to attend on those dates or at those times, we are always pleased to show visitors around school at a time that is more convenient and appointments can be made at the school office.

We have a waiting list for each year group in school. Your child can be added to this list by contacting the school office. Should a place become available, we contact the parents/carer of the next child on our list, which is organised according to the over-subscription criteria detailed in the Admissions Policy, to offer the place. In-year transfer applications can be made by contacting Rochdale Local Authority and are sent to the school admissions committee who confirm whether or not a place is available in the the year group requested. St. Michael's Bamford has a pupil admission number (PAN) set at 30 per year group in line with infant class size legislation; once this number of pupils is reached, there are then no places available and admission is refused.

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