Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs D'Costa

Welcome to Year 5!

Class Teacher: Mrs D'Costa 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jahangir and Mrs Pedder 


Helpful information:

PE – full kit is needed on Monday and Friday (Week 1) and Wednesday and Friday (Week 2).

Please ensure that children have an outdoor PE kit (tracksuit and trainers) in school.  Earrings must be removed.

Music lessons (guitar & woodwind) – Tuesday lunchtime



  • Reading - 15 to 20 minutes daily (including an activity)

Reading books given on a Friday and must be returned by the following Thursday.

  • English/Maths – Given on a Friday and must be returned on the following Friday.


Other homework for topic will be set as appropriate  





Year 5: News items

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Year 5: Blog items

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Year 5: Gallery items

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Year 5: Events items

Y5 Class Assembly, by Mrs Abbott