Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Lamb

Welcome to Year 6

Class Teacher: Miss Lamb

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hoyle 


Welcome to the Year 6 class page. Have a look at what we are learning about this term:



We will be focussing on reading and writing a variety of genres, such as letters, diaries and non-chronological reports. Much of our writing will be linked to our topic, Great Britain. We will be focussing on the ideas of using specific and accurate vocabulary, cohesion and sentence structures throughout our writing units. 


We will be consolidating and developing our place value knowledge of number before applying this to a range of problem solving opportunities. We will then focus on the four operations, fractions and decimals. We will use learned facts (including times tables facts) to support our calculations across all topics.


We will begin by exploring ‘Light and Shadow’, particularly focussing on how light allows us to see objects around us, before a unit on ‘Electricity’, in which we use a range of scientific skills when carrying out investigations and creating circuits.


Our work in RE will explore the ideas of creation (using Genesis 1 – 2:4) and Science to discuss whether the two theories are conflicting or complementary of each other. There will be lots of opportunities for us to share our own ideas and thoughts and to discuss how we all have differing opinions.


Our Geography work will explore the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and the features of each. We will develop our geographical skills when carrying out map work throughout this topic.


Our topic in History will be WW1. We will learn about the causes, the countries involved, key events and key people of the war. Our work will focus on how life in Britain – as well as on the front lines – changed during the war.


In Computing, we will learn about online safety, ensuring that we all know the importance of staying safe online, before moving on to learn about online communication – including how different types of media can be shared online. After half term, we will be developing our skills in webpage and website creation.


Children will be taught PE by the PE coach on alternate Wednesdays and this will cover Fun and Fitness in the first half term and move onto Invasion Games in the second half. PE on Fridays will focus on running, co-ordination, movement, agility and balance skills.


Our work in French will be focussed around actions and directions, as well as consolidating previously learned vocabulary and grammar. We will continue to develop our oral skills through conversations and games.


Our artwork will focus on developing drawing skills through using the grid method to scale up a 2D drawing. We will then use collage and tonal skills before turning our 2D drawing into 3D model.


Our DT work will develop our textile skills as we design and create our very own pair of slippers – applying all previously learned skills.

Music (with Mrs Willis)

Children will learn to describe the effect of different combinations of pitched notes. They will learn to sing a round in four parts and accompany it with a three note chord (triad). Children will learn to create a class performance through practice and rehearsal.


Useful information:

PE kits - Monday, Wednesday, Friday (we have PE on different days each week - you can leave your PE kit in your locker throughout the week)

Reading records - Marked and given out each Friday

Homework (Maths and English) - Given out on Friday and due the following Friday

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