Academic Information

Ofsted, May 2024, judged the Quality of Education to be Outstanding and stated:

Pupils, including children in the early benefit from an education of exceptional quality. They are curious and enjoy their learning. Children in the early years participate in a wide variety of learning activities with gusto. Throughout the school, pupils progress extremely well through the curriculum. This prepares them very well for their next stages of learning.

The school has a well established and highly ambitious curriculum in place. It has designed the curriculum to continuously develop pupils knowledge from the early years to Year 6. Teachers at every stage prioritise the knowledge that pupils need to prepare them for their next steps. For example, in the early years staff take every opportunity to develop children’s sense of number through engaging activities and counting games. This prepares children very well for the demands of key stage 1.

Teachers have strong subject expertise and deliver the curriculum well. They design learning that en thuses and inspires pupils, as well as developing their understanding. Teachers adopt effective strategies to check on pupils’ knowledge during lessons. They skilfully identify and address any misconceptions that would otherwise hinder pupils’ learning . Pupils achieve highly across the range of subjects and the quality of their work is excellent .

SIAMS 2019: 'Excellent' KEY FINDINGS:

'The inspirational and creative Christian leadership of the headteacher, ensures the school continues to thrive. This results in pupils’ exceptional flourishing, transforming lives at St Michael’s and beyond.
Outstanding, mutually supportive relationships and highly innovative partnership work relentlessly drive the school’s Christian vision forward.
The school’s Christian vision underpins and enriches all that is so special about St Michael’s. The highly pertinent biblical roots and underlying theology beneath the vision are understood by all members of the school community. They make a tangible difference to how they live their daily lives.
The exceptional contribution of highly inclusive and invitational collective worship promotes the Christian vision and underpins school life. It inspires children to be their absolute best, whilst living out the vision in the daily Christian workmanship of the whole school community.
The quality of teaching and learning in RE is excellent. Children’s religious literacy is highly developed. Rigorous assessment and planning of key concepts ensure all pupils make excellent progress.'

What our parents say...                                                                    (Parent Questionnaire April 2021)

From our experience so far St Michael's is a great school with caring, committed teachers and staff. I also get a sense of strong, dedicated and reasonable leadership from Mrs Barratt. I have been incredibly impressed with how they have managed covid, teaching both online and class room children at the same time, planning work and activities that can be tailored to the home environment. I'm pretty sure the only thing [my child] missed out on given he was homeschooling was play with the other children, which obviously couldn't be helped. I am very grateful to Mrs Barratt and Miss Nolan for providing [my child] with a strong routine, upon which he thrives. [My child] comes home tired but happy every day and tells me (eventually! After a rest and a snack) all about it. He can't wait to go in to school in the morning.

A lovely school that has catered so well to both my girls individual needs.

A great school who always puts the children's best interests at heart. Parents are greatly valued. A school where opportunities are limitless.

[My child] loves school and constantly talks about his teachers and friends and home. His learning has come on so much. Again we are thankful for the way the school operates through covid thank you

St Michael's is a lovely inclusive school. I have had children  attending the school since 2010 and have never had complaint. On line learning really demonstrated just how amazing all staff are, I felt they all went above and beyond in their efforts to keep the children motivated and happy, even finding the time to reassure parents they were doing a good job. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend St Michael's to anyone.


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