Year 4 2023 - 2024

Miss Edge

Welcome to Year 4

Class Teacher: Miss Edge

Teaching Assistant: Miss Bean

Helpful information:


Week 1-

  • Tuesday
  • Friday

Week 2-

  • Wednesday
  • Friday

Please ensure that children have an outdoor PE kit (tracksuit and trainers). Earrings must be removed.       


Reading - 15 to 20 minutes daily (preferably with an adult, discussing plot, setting, characters, etc). Short review/answer questions on completion of every other school book. Reading books will be given out on Friday to be returned on the following Thursday so they can be changed ready for Friday.

Maths/English  -   Weekly (issued Friday, return by the following Thursday for marking).

Times Tables Rock Stars – Please ensure that children are practising their times tables on TTRS for at least 10 minutes daily.


Have a look at what we are learning about this term:


This term, we will focus on reading non-chronological reports, formal letters, instructions and character descriptions. Writing will be closely connected with the reading focus. There will be a strong focus on grammar and punctuation including developing more complex sentence structures and the use of adjectives and adverbs. Handwriting skills will be developed to improve fluency and neatness throughout the year.

Children should read daily – a variety of books (fiction and non-fiction), as well as their school reading book. Reading record books must be kept up to date and a brief review written of every other school book completed. There are questions on the inside cover of the reading record.


This term will focus mainly on place value and number. Children will be using the four number operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Key to this work will be learning multiplication and division facts, so support at home would be very much appreciated in preparation for the multiplication tables check at the end of the year. In all of these areas, the children will get opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills to reasoning and problem solving questions. Each week the children will take part in an arithmetic lesson to develop mental strategies.


The theme of the topic this term is Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The Topic will include how and why the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings invaded and settled in England. The children will explore how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings lived as well as their beliefs and the food they ate. Art and D.T. work will use the history as a context including preparing and making a soup.


Learning will focus on the theme of friends and relationships and what their responsibilities are. We will be reading and discussing stories from the Bible which look at why God chose people as messengers, focussing on David. We will also focus on Christmas later in the term.


 Children will learn how music can be used descriptively and how the musical elements can be used and combined to describe different animals.  They will create sequences of sound in response to the movements of a chosen animal.  Children will be learning about Saint-Saëns and ‘The Carnival of the Animals’.


In PE the emphasis will be on the basic skills that can be applied to a range of sports.  The children will develop their skills linked to running, agility and coordination. The Sports coach will cover Fun and Fitness in the first half term and move onto ball skills and Invasion Games in the second half.


The topic areas will be; days of the week and months of the year, parts of the body and clothes and counting. Within these areas children will learn key vocabulary and simple sentence structures. They will practise speaking, listening and writing in French.


The children will develop their understanding of keeping safe when using technology. They will recap skills learnt previously such as saving work to a specific place, retrieving saved work and typing word documents. They will develop word processing skills including formatting pictures, inserting tables and changing page layout.




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